Some history:
The BTR-80 (Russian: бронетранспортер, BTR stands for bronyetransportyer, literally meaning “armoured transporter”) is an 8×8 wheeled amphibious armoured personnel carrier (APC) designed in the USSR. Adopted in 1986 and replaced the previous versions, BTR-60 and BTR-70 in the Soviet Army. It was first deployed during Soviet War in Afghanistan .
BTR-80A (GAZ-59034) – IFV with 30 mm gun 2A72 and 300 rounds as primary weapon. The turret is called BPPU and is equipped with sights 1PZ-9 (day) and TPN-3 or TPN-3-42 “Kristall” (night). In production and service since 1994.
About kit:
It going very simple, like any kit of trumpeter. The addition of a turret with a 30mm gun, from “Armory”. Additional handles have been made with wire of different thicknesses.
Camouflage is made using adhesive pads “patafiks”. The model as always was painted with acrylic paint, and pigments from AMMO “Mig”.