Imex 1/72 502 Confederate Artillery
Well, second entry for confederate artillery, painted in a more irregular style, as usually they are depicted. This time Imex 302 set, which haves 3 guns and one limber, instead of the 2 and 2 from the Accurate set. This set also comes with several infantry figures, which i reserve for future infantry bases.

Full review at Plastic Soldier Review.
The officer also isn’t from Imex set, it comes from Accurate/Revell infantry set.
To be honest once again i’m not very gladded with final result, bases looks pretty well for gaming, but figures paint work isn’t my best. The one i loves the bounded old man seated on the limber, a great figure.

The worst faces details, aren’t too depth, so bad result achieved by washes / dry brush technique.
Horses are the same poses than the Accurate set, and also the figure riding one, but with some details added.
The fourth gun, on the limber (set only haves three) is a mix of an Imex body and Accurate barrel. Defends are from Accurate pioneers set and Imex ACW accessory. I must say Accurate artillery figures are a bit taller, and also guns are bigger, but quite compatibles. If i will paint Confederate artyllery some time it will be a mix of both sets, Accurate and Imex. (I still haves one of each.)
With this work i completes 5 guns and 2 limbers, which is enough to play by the moment.
Next ACW work will be Confederate cavalry, probably Imex and Gulliver ones.