
Genesis Climber Mospeada is a Japanese Anime TV series aired in 1983-1984, that featured some transformable mechas similar to Macross series aired one year before.

At the time the series was a successful series also adapted to the Robotech U.S. mix of variable mechas series but in the long term hadn’t a continuation similar to Macross.

In 1983, Imai produced several plastic kits related to Mospeada, and amongst them, several in 1/72 scale, focused in the variable fighters (Legioss in Mospeada universe), releasing one kit per each of the shapes that the Legioss can take, Armo-Fighter, Armo-Diver (intermediate) and Armo-Soldier. As in the series, the kits were offered in three variants, Legioss AFC-01H (Eta), AFC-01I (Iota) or AFC-01HZ (Zeta), with the only difference of the color and the head, different in each type.

Having produced all these kits, Imai, later in the early 2000, released a combination box including the three kits (poses) for each variant, and this combination box, was later issued under Aoshima brand for two times, in 2007 and 2017.

Wave completed the list of manufacturer who produced kits in 1/72 scale for Genesis Climber Mospeada, releasing a kit for the Armo-Soldier shape in 2012, one for each, and again in 2021, a combination box including the three head types allowing to build one of AFC-01H, Z or I Armo-Soldiers.

By the amount of produced kits, the old Imai kits are still usually the easier one to find, while the combination box with the three models, either Imai or Aoshima, are pretty hard to find, as well as the later Wave kits, produced in limited quantities and hard to find.

About the quality of the kits, the newer Wave kits are stunning ones, beating Imai in all terms, engineering, cast, easy movable after built, decals. But the Imai kits breath that 80s kits spirit at its peak and are always appetizing for nostalgics and those looking for the original and first of its class things.